#037: Public vSaaS Market Caps, 12 Early Stage Investment Memos, Ben Franklin's 12 Principle Framework
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One Vertical SaaS Breakdown:
vSaaS Company Market Caps
One Biz Story:
12 Early Stage Investment Memos In Companies That’ve Become Iconic:
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One ‘How To’:
Ben Franklin’s 13 Principle Framework
Ben Franklin arrived in Philadelphia with a few dollars to his name.
By 42, he was retired, rich, & successful beyond his wildest dreams. He attributed all his success to his "13 Principles" framework.
This thing changed my life & can change yours too:
So what’s this framework and how does it work? It’s simple. But it feels like magic. First, Franklin believed that he had to pick 13 things that would enable his success. He chose them carefully based on what he aimed to achieve.
Here's the 13 principles Franklin picked (& then I’ll show you a modern spin on this).
What do you want to become? What skill sets would you have to master to achieve those things? Look at people who have achieved what you want. What are they exceptional at?
Let’s look at another version. A few years ago I compiled my own list of Franklin’s Principles - the list of things I wanted to master. Here they are:
Try this for yourself! Once you’ve picked yours, Franklin had very specific instructions on HOW to master them. Work on 1 principle every day for 1 week straight. Spend any amount of time on it that you can - whether it’s 30 minutes or 2 hours each day.
When you’re working on a principle, you should be deeply STUDYING it. It’s like hitting the driving range, NOT playing 18. It’s practice time. After the week is up, you move on to the next principle.
Thirteen principles. 1 per week. By the end of the year you will have spent roughly 1 FULL MONTH of study in each key area.
This compounds FAST. After 10 years you will have spent time every day for 40 months exclusively studying the items you want to master.
Most people don’t put in the work that it takes to become great. They show up to work, clock in, and basically wing it. If you put in the work you will find yourself getting really good at your principles, even within the first year. By Year 10, you’ll be unstoppable.
This framework can change your life. It really can. Here’s to you, Ben Franklin!
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